Owl Nebula (M97) and Galaxy M108
The Owl Nebula, approximately 2000 light-years away, is located in the northern constellation Ursa Major. The galaxy in the lower right is galaxy M108. Nicknamed the surfboard galaxy, it is a barred spiral galaxy seen edge-on and 46 light-years distant.
This image was made with a Nikon Z7 and a Nikon 500mm f/5.6 lens at f/5.6. A total of 26 30-second exposures at ISO 3200 were made for 13 minutes of total exposure time. More exposures were not taken as the nebula was setting below a tree line. I hope to re-image this nebula in the future with more total exposure time. Star tracking was with an Astrotrac TT320x. Image stacking was done with Deep Sky Stacker using the Kappa-Sigma clipping method. Final image processing was done in Capture One.